Green Schools’ Programme

In 2003, St. Mary’s and St. Gerard’s N.S. joined the Green Schools’ Programme. Green Schools, which is managed by An Taisce and operates in partnership with Local Authorities, is an international, holistic programme designed to encourage whole-school action for the environment. The Green Flag is awarded only to schools that complete all of the seven steps of the Green Schools’ Programme.

A Green Schools’ Committee, involving children, teachers and staff, has been established. It has conducted an environmental review of the school and has developed an action plan to improve the school environment. The plan is monitored and reviewed. Curriculum work on environmental issues takes place in all classrooms. Parents are informed of and involved in Green Schools’ activities. Green codes are agreed by the children – our current code, written by Katy Lawlor in 2013, is “Be keen on being green!”

To date, St. Mary’s and St. Gerard’s N.S. has been 5 awarded Green Flags in recognition of its efforts to reduce litter and waste (2005); to save energy (2007); to reduce water (2009); to encourage green modes of travel (2011); & to bring green practices into homes (2013). This year, the school will apply for its 6th Green Flag in recognition of its work on Biodiversity and its ongoing work on previous themes.

In order to complete all steps of the Green Schools’ Programme, we need you to join us for a Green Schools’ Day of Action (10am-2pm) on Saturday, 28th February.