75th Anniversary

On the 24th of June, the school celebrated its 75th Anniversary.

A display in the hall of old government school letters, exam papers, roll books and photos were of great interest to young and old alike.

Ken Doyle, a past pupil, designed and constructed wooden replicas of the old and new school. His attention detail was incredible and we are very grateful to him for these amazing pieces of work which will be on display in the school for years to come.

A timeline created by Fifth Class was on display in the corridor highlighting the historic events and famous people from the period between 1940 to 2015.

Sixth Class students took many of the past pupils on a tour of the school showing them the different classrooms and facilities.

Ms.Kearney and her troop of Irish dancers performed for our visitors in the hall.

Ms. Seoighe and the school choir sang a couple of songs to end what was a most enjoyable afternoon.

Hopefully we will all be around in 25 years to celebrate the school’s 100th Anniversary!!

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